Experience Bourbon Franklin, where Righteous Felon's original recipe undergoes a patriotic transformation. This jerky masterpiece is infused with the spirit of a Fourth-of-July celebration, featuring a hearty dose of bourbon, a hint of vanilla bean, and a subtle touch of cinnamon. Bourbon Franklin serves as a tribute to the ingenuity of America, rekindling and redefining its foundational values: family, friends, flavor, freedom, and the pursuit of (your tongue's) happiness.
Crafted from premium, all-natural top round beef, Bourbon Franklin boasts a blend of quality ingredients, including water, brown sugar, soybeans, molasses, vinegar, and a medley of spices like black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, allspice, cloves, chili powder, vanilla extract, and vanilla bean. It also features bourbon derived from water, corn, and malted barley. Contains Soy.